Friday, April 29, 2011

Episode 1.14

Previously on Big Brother: Sims 3 Edition...

Nocturne's nominees were both saved when Falcon was removed from the game, a shock producer-dictated eviction for rules violation. Nocturne was allowed to play in the next HOH, as hers had been nullified.

Who will be the new HOH? And, who will he or she nominate? Find out now on Big Brother: Sims 3 Edition...


Ashlyn: This house is a mad house. Seriously. Is this an exercise in making us lose our minds? Cut us off from civilization and screw with our heads? I NEED to get an HOH because it's the ONLY way to make sure my butt stays here.

Jayde: So, we get woken up before dawn and go downstairs. There are three computers set up in the dining room, for those of us who signed up to play in this HOH, with a note from Julie instructing us how to network in. We have to play some game, whoever finishes first wins.

Ashlyn: WOOHOO! 55 points.

Nocturne: 12. Congratulations, Ashlyn.

Jayde: 48. You smoked me on that last round.

Ashlyn: I can't believe I'm HOH!

Ashlyn: Wait...I'm going to have to nominate someone, right?


Ashlyn: This is the nomination ceremony. When I call your name, please take a seat in the safe zone. First safe is .... Selena.

Selena: Thanks, Ashlyn.

Ashlyn: ... Drew.

Drew: Thank you, Ashlyn.

Ashlyn: Dave.

Dave: Thanks, Ashlyn.

Ashlyn: JJ.

JJ: Thank you.

Ashlyn: Emma.

Emma: Thanks.

Ashlyn: Randy.

Randy: Much appreciated, Ashlyn.

Ashlyn: Mike.

Mike: Thank you.

Ashlyn: Nocturne.

Nocturne: Thanks, Ashlyn.

Ashlyn: There is only one safe seat left. That seat goes to ....

Ashlyn: Jayde.

Jayde: Phew. Thanks, Ashlyn.

Ashlyn: Sun, Avery, I have nominated you for eviction this week. It's nothing personal, purely strategic. There's still veto and I know you'll both do well at that. So, with that said, this nomination ceremony is adjourned.


Who will win the power of Veto? And, what surprises are in store for our house guests? Find out on the next Big Brother: Sims 3 Edition!

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