Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Episode 1.16

Julie: Hello, House Guests. I've gathered you all here this evening to let you know one of your house guests has elected to leave. Nocturne will no longer be with us. However, the show must go on and...oh, excuse me! I think I'm going to be sick!


6 Years Later

Julie: This is what I get for eating JJ's cooking. Oh well, back to the show...


House Guests: Yeah, she waits until we're all dead before she comes back.

Julie: Sorry!


Julie: Welcome to the HOH! In one corner we have Mike, weighing in at 200 pounds! In the other corner, we have Avery Star, weighing in at 180 pounds! Remember, boys, this is a fight to the death. Surrender is for sissies! I don't want you stopping until you're bloody, mangled shells of who you once were, am I understood?

Mike and Avery: Yes, Julie.

Julie: Good. Put your dukes up. It's rumble time!

Mike: You're going down, emo hair boy.

Avery: You just watch your back, butter knees.

Julie: Congratulations, Mike! You are the HOH!

Mike: Butter knees that, Star.


Mike: This is the nominations ceremony. I'm going to keep this short and sweet so no one dies again. Dave, JJ, you are my nominees. Everyone else is safe.

Julie: This is your veto. Keep it clean, boys. There is no cheating in hopscotch.

Drew: HAHA! YES! VETO, BABY! I am the hopscotch KING! Suck on that, LOSERS! Hey, does anyone else smell smoke....?


Will Drew use the veto to save either JJ or Dave? And, who will be evicted? Find out on the next Big Brother: Sims 3 Edition!