Thursday, April 14, 2011

Episode 1.07

Previously on Big Brother: Sims 3 Edition...

Mike won HOH. When he discovered Pandora the Puppy and her present in his HOH room, he decided to open the box, not knowing if he would unleash a reward for himself and evil on the house, or evil on himself and a reward for the house. At the nomination ceremony, he nominated Rebecca and Selena, for their strength in the last two competitions. Afterwards, Julie revealed that, because Pandora's Box was opened, the veto is tainted. Anyone who chooses to participate forfeits their right to play the next HOH.

Who will win the Veto? Find out now on Big Brother: Sims 3 Edition!


Nocturne: So, we get up this morning and go in for our morning DR session. Lo and behold we find....

Nocturne: The Adventures of Freezer Bunny. There's a note from Julie. This is our veto. Highest registered score wins. Whoever plays this will give up their shot at this week's HOH. I don't know who in their right mind, save for the HOH and noms, will do this. Maybe it's good to wield the power, but at the expense of HOH AND getting a target on your back? I know I'm out. And, by out, I mean in this competition. I fear outdoors.

Rebecca: Of course I'm doing this veto. I would be an idiot not to. No one else is going to risk HOH to play for me, and Selena certainly won't use it on me if she wins. My only options are winning it for myself or hoping Mike wins it and I can strike a deal with him.

Mike: Freezer Bunny, huh? Well, I'll give it my best go. I don't have anything to lose, since I can't play the HOH anyway.

Selena: No-brainer.


Julie: Thank you for joining me. Veto results have been tabulated. It's likely no surprise that only three of you participated, Mike, Selena and Rebecca. In third place with a score of 131 was ................Rebecca.

Julie: Mike, your score was 145. Selena, to win veto, your score has to be higher than 145. Your score was....

Julie: 202! Congratulations, Selena, you have won your second POV!

Selena: Elephant memory, Mike. Remember that.

Mike: You can't play in the next HOH, Selena. Remember that.

Selena: Let me save you some time, Mike. I'm using the veto. 

Julie: Mike, please deliberate on your replacement nomination. I'll be back shortly for the Veto Ceremony.

Who will Mike replace Selena with? Find out on the next Big Brother: Sims 3 Edition!

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