Friday, April 29, 2011

Episode 1.14

Previously on Big Brother: Sims 3 Edition...

Nocturne's nominees were both saved when Falcon was removed from the game, a shock producer-dictated eviction for rules violation. Nocturne was allowed to play in the next HOH, as hers had been nullified.

Who will be the new HOH? And, who will he or she nominate? Find out now on Big Brother: Sims 3 Edition...


Ashlyn: This house is a mad house. Seriously. Is this an exercise in making us lose our minds? Cut us off from civilization and screw with our heads? I NEED to get an HOH because it's the ONLY way to make sure my butt stays here.

Jayde: So, we get woken up before dawn and go downstairs. There are three computers set up in the dining room, for those of us who signed up to play in this HOH, with a note from Julie instructing us how to network in. We have to play some game, whoever finishes first wins.

Ashlyn: WOOHOO! 55 points.

Nocturne: 12. Congratulations, Ashlyn.

Jayde: 48. You smoked me on that last round.

Ashlyn: I can't believe I'm HOH!

Ashlyn: Wait...I'm going to have to nominate someone, right?


Ashlyn: This is the nomination ceremony. When I call your name, please take a seat in the safe zone. First safe is .... Selena.

Selena: Thanks, Ashlyn.

Ashlyn: ... Drew.

Drew: Thank you, Ashlyn.

Ashlyn: Dave.

Dave: Thanks, Ashlyn.

Ashlyn: JJ.

JJ: Thank you.

Ashlyn: Emma.

Emma: Thanks.

Ashlyn: Randy.

Randy: Much appreciated, Ashlyn.

Ashlyn: Mike.

Mike: Thank you.

Ashlyn: Nocturne.

Nocturne: Thanks, Ashlyn.

Ashlyn: There is only one safe seat left. That seat goes to ....

Ashlyn: Jayde.

Jayde: Phew. Thanks, Ashlyn.

Ashlyn: Sun, Avery, I have nominated you for eviction this week. It's nothing personal, purely strategic. There's still veto and I know you'll both do well at that. So, with that said, this nomination ceremony is adjourned.


Who will win the power of Veto? And, what surprises are in store for our house guests? Find out on the next Big Brother: Sims 3 Edition!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Episode 1.13

Previously on Big Brother: Sims 3 Edition...

Nocturne nominated Mike and Sun for eviction. Avery won the Golden Power of Veto and chaos ensued at the veto ceremony. After speeches from both Sun and Mike, Avery used the veto to secure Sun's safety. Nocturne nominated JJ in Sun's place ... but Mike shocked everyone by revealing he is in possession of a Diamond Power of Veto. He used the DPOV to save himself and to name Dave as his replacement.

Who will be evicted? Will it be Dave or JJ? Or, will another twist have the house guests scrambling?

Find out now on Big Brother: Sims 3 Edition!


Nocturne: So, that is not how I saw the veto ceremony going. Do I regret not being able to play the POV because I opened the box? No. Even though I couldn't compete in POV, I think it was a good strategic move to open the box.

Emma: What the heck just happened? First, Sun and Mike are nominated, then JJ and Mike are nominated, then Mike's got a hidden Diamond Veto and JJ and Dave are nominated? Everyone's heads are sort of spinning right now and I have NO idea what's going to happen at the eviction.


JJ: Crazy veto ceremony, huh?

Sun: Yeah, man, sorry you got put up in my place?

Jayde: That was insane.

Randy: Tell me about it.

Sun: So, consider this my obligatory please vote to evict Dave, not me, plea. I realize your minds are probably already set, I just hope you'll consider keeping me.

Mike: So, I brought my Pandora the Puppy so you could see I don't have any more DPOV's up my sleeves.

Nocturne: You have no sleeves.

Mike: Metaphorical sleeves.

Nocturne: There's no hard feelings. It was a good move. I would've played the DPOV if I had it.

Mike: So, we're cool?

Nocturne: Cool.

Dave: Falcon still in the DR?

Ashlyn: Yep.

Avery: She's been in there forever.

Dave: I was going to bend her ear about votes before the eviction ceremony. I know you guys probably have your minds made up, but I really, really want to stay here. Vote however you need to for your own individual games, but know I CAN be an asset, if you choose to keep me.


Julie: Hello, House Guests.

House Guests: Hi, Julie!

Julie: Welcome to the eviction ceremony. I have an important announcement to make. You may have noticed one of your fellow house guests is missing. Falcon has been removed from the game for insufficient voting activity. Because there has been an moderator-enforced eviction this week, there will NOT be a regular eviction. JJ, Dave, you are both safe. Nocturne, because neither of your nominees were evicted, you ARE eligible to play in the next HOH. Thank you, House Guests. This eviction ceremony is adjourned.


Who will be the next HOH? And, will they get a gift from Pandora the Puppy? Find out on the next Big Brother: Sims 3 Edition!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Episode 1.12

Previously on Big Brother: Sims 3 Edition...

Nocturne won HOH. She nominated Mike and Sun for eviction. Pandora's Box was opened and let a new power loose on the house, but kept Nocturne from competing for it. Now, who will win Veto? And what shocking revelation will throw the house for a loop? You won't want to miss a minute of this Big Brother: Sims 3 Edition...


Ashlyn: So, Big Brother wakes us up this morning and we find an electronic dartboard as you go into the public bathroom. There's a note attached. Each house guest gets three shots. Whoever comes closest to the bullseye gets Veto. Whoever hits a secret zone on the board gets a Special Power.

Avery: So, my second dart hits RIGHT ON the bullseye and this alarm goes off. I WON VETO! Yay! Except, now I have no idea what to do.

Nocturne: Avery won POV and I am really, really hoping he leaves my nominations alone.

Avery: This is the veto ceremony. Before we begin, I'm going to give both nominees a chance to explain to me why I should save him.

Mike: Well, Avery, we're friends. I think I can be an asset to you, if you would consider saving me, I'll owe you.

Sun: I also will owe you if you save me. You just do what's best for you and I'll respect that, either way.

Avery: I have decided that I will be using my POV on .....................

Avery: Sun. Sorry, Mike.

Sun: Thanks, man.

Avery: Since I have vetoed one of your nominees, Nocturne, you need to nominate someone new.

Nocturne: Alright, I have to nominate someone else and I'm sorry to say the person I nominate is ...

Nocturne: JJ. I'm sorry. Please come take the vacant seat next to me in the danger zone.

Nocturne: This concludes---

Mike: Wait, I have something to say! When I was HOH, I opened Pandora's Box, as you all know. What you don't know is that I won a Diamond Power of Veto, hence why your veto was tainted that week. This Veto gives me the power to not only save one nominee, but to name the replacement. HOH, regular veto holder and the person saved by the veto are safe. All that said, I'm saving myself and taking my place will be...

Mike: Dave. Sorry, dude.

Dave: Okay.


Who will be evicted? Will it be JJ or Dave? And, will the Special Power holder shake up the eviction ceremony? Find out on the next Big Brother: Sims 3 Edition.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Episode 1.11

Previously on Big Brother: Sims 3 Edition...

Nocturne won the first endurance HOH of the season and found a visit from Pandora the Puppy waiting for her in her HOH room. Will she open it? And, who will she nominate? Find out now on Big Brother: Sims 3 Edition!


Nocturne: So, we have a prankster in the house....

Ashlyn: It is SO not funny. Watch it, Randy. Your day will come and when you least expect it -- WHAMMO. Garden snake in your potato chip bag.

Sun: You know, I have to admit, there are some pretty good-looking people in this house! And America, I got a big secret for you, if you are interested... are you ready? My secret is...  Δεν θα ενοχλούμουν από μια ρομαντική σχέση με είτε έναν άνδρα είτε τη γυναίκα σε αυτό το σπίτι!.  Did you like my secret? 

Nocturne: It's time for the nomination ceremony. When I call your name, please, have a seat in the safe zone. First safe is ... Falcon.

Falcon: Thanks, Nocturne.

Nocturne: Ashlyn. You are safe.

Ashlyn: Thank you.

Nocturne: Next safe is .... Avery. 

Avery: Thank you. I'll just sit over here, so I can stare at the lovely Falcon, if you don't mind.

Falcon: Oh, brother...

Nocturne: Next safe is ... David. 

David: Thanks, Nocturne.

Nocturne: The next safe is ... JJ.

JJ: Thanks!

Nocturne: Next safe is ... Drew.

Drew: Thank you, Nocturne!

Nocturne: Next safe is ... Selena.

Selena: Thank you, Nocturne. 

Nocturne: Next safe is .... Emma. 

Emma: Thanks, Nocturne. 

Nocturne: Next safe is ... Jayde.

Jayde: Thanks!

Nocturne: There is only one safe seat left. That seat goes to .... Randy. Sun, Mike, you have been nominated. Please take your seats next to me in the red danger zone. 

Julie: Hello, House Guests. I'm here to let you know Nocturne has chosen to open Pandora's Box. She has lost her right to play this week's POV as a repercussion and unleashed a reward on the house. A special power is out there. We will have a luxury competition during this week's veto, which will be open to ALL of you except Nocturne. See you again soon for the veto. 


Who will win the veto? And, what is this special power up for grabs? Find out on the next Big Brother: Sims 3 Edition!