Previously on Big Brother: Sims 3 Edition...
Nocturne won HOH. She nominated Mike and Sun for eviction. Pandora's Box was opened and let a new power loose on the house, but kept Nocturne from competing for it. Now, who will win Veto? And what shocking revelation will throw the house for a loop? You won't want to miss a minute of this Big Brother: Sims 3 Edition...
Ashlyn: So, Big Brother wakes us up this morning and we find an electronic dartboard as you go into the public bathroom. There's a note attached. Each house guest gets three shots. Whoever comes closest to the bullseye gets Veto. Whoever hits a secret zone on the board gets a Special Power.
Avery: So, my second dart hits RIGHT ON the bullseye and this alarm goes off. I WON VETO! Yay! Except, now I have no idea what to do.
Nocturne: Avery won POV and I am really, really hoping he leaves my nominations alone.
Avery: This is the veto ceremony. Before we begin, I'm going to give both nominees a chance to explain to me why I should save him.
Mike: Well, Avery, we're friends. I think I can be an asset to you, if you would consider saving me, I'll owe you.
Sun: I also will owe you if you save me. You just do what's best for you and I'll respect that, either way.
Avery: I have decided that I will be using my POV on .....................
Avery: Sun. Sorry, Mike.
Sun: Thanks, man.
Avery: Since I have vetoed one of your nominees, Nocturne, you need to nominate someone new.
Nocturne: Alright, I have to nominate someone else and I'm sorry to say the person I nominate is ...
Nocturne: JJ. I'm sorry. Please come take the vacant seat next to me in the danger zone.
Nocturne: This concludes---
Mike: Wait, I have something to say! When I was HOH, I opened Pandora's Box, as you all know. What you don't know is that I won a Diamond Power of Veto, hence why your veto was tainted that week. This Veto gives me the power to not only save one nominee, but to name the replacement. HOH, regular veto holder and the person saved by the veto are safe. All that said, I'm saving myself and taking my place will be...
Mike: Dave. Sorry, dude.
Dave: Okay.
Who will be evicted? Will it be JJ or Dave? And, will the Special Power holder shake up the eviction ceremony? Find out on the next Big Brother: Sims 3 Edition.
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