Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Episode 1.15

Previously on Big Brother: Sims 3 Edition

Ashlyn won her first HOH. She wasted no time in nominating Sun and Avery for eviction. Also, she found a surprise Pandora's Box waiting for her upstairs after the nomination ceremony. Will she open the box? And, who will win veto? Find out now on Big Brother: Sims 3 Edition!


Ashlyn: Mike was the first HOH to get a Pandora's box. He opened it and got the Diamond Power of Veto, which in turn tainted the regular Golden Power of Veto. Nocturne lost her ability to play Veto, but a special power was unleashed and up for grabs to the rest of the house guests. Now, I have one. Unfortunately, I don't think the good-bad alternates, and I'm not willing to risk blowing my game up. So, I will NOT be opening Pandora's Box.

Julie: Hello, House Guests.

House Guests: Hi, Julie!

Julie: I'm here for your veto challenge. This week, your objective is to tell a story. Whoever tells the longest story will win the Golden Power of Veto. Whoever tells the shortest story, however, will win a very special prize. Before this meeting, those of you interested in competing signed up. Jayde, we'll start with you.

Left 4 Dead 2 - After The Apocalypse
He was hers.
She was his.
Would the truth tear them apart?

"Get to the choppa!!" A loud,booming male voice shouted.Four survivors stumbled to where a large helicopter was waiting, getting ready to take off.The first to enter was a young man who looked to be 23.He had messy brown hair hidden under a trucker hat, although a few strands could still be seen.The boy fell to helicopter floor, gasping for breath while he waited for his friends to join him. 5 minutes later, an older looking, heavy set man joined him. He collapsed next to the young man, exhausted. The last two survivors were a middle aged man and a woman who looked about 5 or 6 years younger than him.The man was the closest to the helicopter, and reached it first. The woman was only a little ways behind him and was right at the entrance...

In a few minutes, so much had changed. It all happened so fast...One minute, Rochelle was about to reach the helicopter. We're going to be saved..We did it. Rochelle thought to herself.That's when she felt the Smokers tongue squeeze around her like constrictor boas. She felt herself being pulled back..Suddenly, the helicopter seemed so far away..She remembered trying to scream as loud as she could..But no one saved her.No one helped her.No one came to rescue her.Feeling hopeless, she stopped fighting and allowed the Smoker to drag her away...She blacked out and didn't remember any of it.

Rochelle could feel herself being carried. She could hear the velvet voice whispering to her."Rochelle.." The voice said to her, sounding afraid.She opened her eyes a little and saw him.Someone did save her.Someone did help her.Someone did rescue her...That someone, was Nick.Nick carried her back to the helicopter(Coach following behind him) and softly laid her down on the helicopter floor. Rochelle watched groggily as Nick leaned against the wall next to her, and Coach muttered something that sounded like "We're ready" to the pilot.Coach took a seat next to Ellis and the helicopter took off.Coach sighed loudly and shook his head."Lord have mercy! I think I lost 10 pounds running back there!" Ellis laughed while Nick smirked."Glad to know you lost a couple pounds, big man.Question is will you continue on your path of good living. I myself, highly doubt that." Coach frowned angrily and Ellis continued to laugh, before replying with his heavy southern voice."Aww, there ain't nuttin' wrong with eatin' so many meals...You know, Keith had a big ole' appetite too! Did I ever tell you guys 'bout the time Me and Keith entered a pie eatin' contest? Now I ain't much of a pie eater, but Keith-" Ellis was quickly interupted by Nick, who glared coldly at the boy."Hey.Overalls.Now's not the time to tell one of your stupid stories.Not ever.Just shut your mouth and let the rest of us get some peace and quiet." Ellis frowned slightly,nodded quietly and then looked at the floor.Nick turned to Rochelle and whispered softly."Rochelle..You okay?" Rochelle gave him a feeble nod and whispered back weakly."Yeah, I'm okay...Thanks for saving me back there." Nick smiled at her and kissed her forehead.Rochelle's eyes slowly started to close..As she fell into a deep sleep, only one thing could reach her in her deep sleep...

"I love you, Rochelle.."

The helicopter wasn't far from the CEDA compound. In about 5 minutes,it would land and be safely inside the compound.5 minutes came and went. When the helicopter landed,Nick picked Rochelle up and carried her toward the compound entrance. Coach and Ellis followed behind Nick and Rochelle...

As the four survivors entered the compound, a CEDA worker greeted them. "Ahh,you must be the Bridge survivors..We've been waiting for you." Nick nodded and looked down at Rochelle as he spoke. "Do you have medical help here?She got a little shaken up before we got here." The CEDA worker turned to a room where a woman who looked like a nurse was standing. "...Yes, we do.Follow me." Nick followed the worker into the small,dimly lit room. Nick laid Rochelle down on the bed and she started to stir. Rochelle opened her eyes,glancing around the room. "N-Nick..?" She said slowly. Nick soon came into Rochelle's eyesight. "I'm right here Rochelle..We're at a CEDA compound. These people are gonna take a look at your injuries.... They're gonna take care of you." After that, Nick was ushered out of the room. Rochelle wanted to tell them to let him stay. She wanted to hear his calming voice,soothing her fears away.. She wanted Nick to tell her that everything was going to be okay.. Rochelle longed for it, but she knew she wouldn't get what she wanted. With a tired sigh, Rochelle allowed the nurse to look over her...

Coach, Ellis, and Nick waited in a small room with a large computer that looked like an x-ray. Eventually a CEDA worker came in, wearing a protective mask which prevented him from inhaling anything in the air. The CEDA worker went behind the computer, typed a couple things into it, and then stopped,looking up at Coach,Ellis, and Nick. "..We got a report from the bridge. You came in chopper TL327 correct?" Coach nodded and shook his head. "You're darn right we did!They were the last plane that was rescuing survivors from what I heard." The CEDA worker nodded slowly before typing something else onto the computer. He frowned slightly before looking up at Coach, Ellis, and Nick."... Were you tested before you got on the helicopter?" Nick looked at Coach, confused, before turning to the CEDA worker. "Tested for what?" The CEDA worker let out a troubled sigh before responding.

"..Tested for carriers..."

"..Tested for carriers.."
Those words ran through Nick like blood in veins. Nick blinked a couple of times as a strangled sigh came out of his mouth. The CEDA worker's eyes laid on Ellis before moving to Coach and then finally, Nick. There was a firm frown on Coach.He shook his head, not knowing an answer. Ellis eventually spoke up. "I can only speak for myself and I ain't ever been tested." The CEDA worker nodded and motioned to the room next door. "Then you should be tested, young man. If you just follow me down the hall, we should be able to see if you're a carrier." Ellis nodded, got up swiftly, and followed the worker out. Coach and Nick didn't say anything as he left and thus continued on in their own collective silence...

The sound of metal instruments filled the small, dreary CEDA medical room.
Rochelle quietly laid still on the examining bed. They had checked her out and told her she was fine. A couple cuts and bruises never hurt anybody. But still, even with the satisfying news, her heart still ached with worry.
Nick was the only thing she could think about.The only thing she could worry over..The only she could allow herself to dwell on..As the nurse softly ran her fingers over the keys, typing, Rochelle sat up slowly.Rochelle looked at the exit door and then turned to the nurse on duty."Um..Ma'am? How are my friends doing?" Rochelle asked, the anxiousness visible in her voice.The nurse turned toward Rochelle and shrugged."I have no idea. I only work here as a nurse." she answered flatly. The nurse then turned back to her work, ending the short conversation in that exact moment. Knowing the nurse would be of no help, Rochelle laid back down. After what seemed like never ending moments of forever, the nurse finished typing.But Rochelle could tell something was wrong... Very wrong..

After another eternity of waiting, Ellis entered the room that Coach and Nick were still waiting in.Nick's head quickly snapped up as Ellis came in. Ellis smiled as he sat down in the middle of Coach and Nick, while the CEDA worker sat down and swiftly typed something into the computer. He looked up at Coach and Nick. "We tested him and he's fine. You guys can be tested now." Coach went first, followed by Nick. They went through the same thing Ellis did, and returned to him shortly. They too, were fine. Nick leaned back in the seat and closed his eyes. All he could hear was the furious typing from the CEDA worker.....But he also heard as it slowly stopped. As Nick opened his eyes the CEDA worker stood up and looked at Nick. The CEDA worker's eyes were full of sadness and remorse. He sighed and opened his eyes. "The woman you brought in....I assume she's a friend of yours?" Nick swallowed and nodded slowly. "Yes, she is....Why?" He said flatly. The CEDA worker shook his head. "....She's infected."
Nick felt the whole world be sucked away from him in an instant. Memories of the short time he had known and loved Rochelle flashed through his mind, playing over and over again, followed by the pain of knowing he was most likely going to lose it all and never get it back...
Rochelle watched as the nurse put her hand over her mouth when she finished typing. The nurse got up and looked around, before her eyes settled on Rochelle. The nurse looked down, struggling to come up with the words to tell Rochelle the truth. Rochelle eyes narrowed as she watched the nurse. "I can handle it, just tell me..Please." Rochelle pleaded with the nurse. The nurse frowned and began. "Miss Rochelle.....When we rescue survivors, we test them to see if they are carriers. Carriers are people who carry the blood of an zombie or one of the Infected... We tested you and your friends, and all of them were clear...Except you. You carry the blood of an infected Witch." Rochelle flashed back to a small memory, one she had kept herself from remembering. It was just a week ago, when Rochelle saved Nick from a Witch that would have killed him if Rochelle had not been there. The nurse turned and left the room, leaving Rochelle alone with herself. Tears started streaming down her face. The door opened slowly and Rochelle looked up, crying even harder. Nick stood in the doorway, starting into Rochelle's eyes. He walked across the room and sat on the edge of the hospital bed. He embraced her tightly as she cried on him. "Don't worry Rochelle, I'm here for you...We'll get through this together." Nick whispered softly to Rochelle. "I've been talking with the doctors, and we're gonna try and find a way to fix this... I'm not gonna let you die."
A week later, Rochelle found herself on the same bed she was on a week ago. Rochelle watched as the doctors inserted blood into a needle. One doctor soon came over and pressed it into her slowly. Rochelle winced at the first sting but then settled down. The doctor took the needle out and nodded to another doctor. Rochelle looked at him, slightly worried. "...Did it work?" The doctor looked up from his computer and smiled. "It did. The clean blood is now disinfecting the infected blood. You'll have some small traces, but it's curable with medicine. None of it is harmful or can seriously injure you." Rochelle smiled as happy tears streamed down her face. The door to the room opened and Nick walked in, a small needle mark on his arm. Rochelle looked up at him and smiled as he wiped the tears away.
"See? I told you Rochelle. Everything's gonna be okay." Rochelle sighed happily. "It really is...Thank you, Nick. What you did for me...I can't explain how thankful I am." Rochelle looked back up at Nick. "You saved my life." Nick kissed Rochelle softly on the forehead. "I would do it a thousand times over. I love you Rochelle..You're my everything and nobody will ever change that.."
It was dark when I came out of Ego’s. I’d been out for a night-time game of pool and foosball. Rain dripped onto my jacket, leaving dark splodges behind. I was half-way down the road when I head footsteps splashing in the shallow puddles, about five metres behind me. My pace quickened, I’d always been known to get scared easily.
What if this dude is going to follow me home? Oh quit whining Clarissa. As if.’ I bravely thought to myself. As my pace quickened the person behind me’s quickened. Coincidence much?
Hey Clarissa! Wait up! It’s Zac!” There. Stupid Clarissa thinking I was being followed. It was just my best friend wanting to chat! Stupid!                                                                                                                                                   
“Hiya Zac...”I said turning around so we were face-to-face.                                                                                                               
“You’re looking pale, Let me drive you home” Zac smiled, reaching out to hold my hand. All I could do was smile at his perfect face. I’ve had a crush on Zac since 5th grade; I was in 9th grade now. We walked down to his car hand in hand.                                                                                                                                   

He was driving me home when we got to my street, but he didn’t stop in front of my house.             
“Zac where are you taking me?!?!” I screeched. Zac replied with a evil smirk, but his eyes were apologetic. How could they go together?                                                                                                                       
“You’ll find out soon enough.” Zac said, quick and snappy. I started to get hysterical; I was rocking from side to side on my seat.
We turned a corner and there were identical dark, damp looking houses in each lot, he stopped at the creepiest. I was speechless. A tear fell down my cheek.                                                                                                                      

“Oh don’t cry. You’re making this harder for me to do this.” Zac muttered, wiping the tear with his thumb.  When we were safely inside Zac yelled,
“She’s here now! Leave me alone! Bye hun. Sorry.”                     
 Those were the final things he ever said to me, before I was brought to a room with steel walls and a metal chair.
The unfamiliar man pushed me onto the chair and tied me up. I was left there, sitting, for almost as long as I could remember before I drifted to sleep...                                                                                                                 

I drempt of a feild. A sunny field, full off daffodils, me and my friend Honey were lying in a patch of dasies, under the shade of a apple tree. Honey reached out to get a apple, and everything dissapered. Including Honey.
“Wer-were are you? Honey??” I called.
I jerked up. Honey had actually been dead for 3 years now. No one knew how or why. But I swear I was going to find out. One way or another I would.
Honey! Were are you Honey?!” Someone mimicked me. I gasped at how close he was.                                                 
“Nice to see you again Clarissa. It’s been so long.” The male smirked.                                                                                   
“Who are you?” I shivered to the creepy figure.                                                                                                   
“Don’t you remember me?” Paulo said, picking up a penknife.                                                                                                                
“Paulo! How could  you do this! Agian! I was six years,” I broke into tears.

I was expecting him to cut my wrist, again and my ancle, but surprisingly the only thing he cut was my rope! He dragged me too a musty room and sat me down. There was a VCR and a old T.V .
Paulo played me a tape, one of my mother.
He said it was live. My mother was being terrorized, stabbed to death. I froze when she called my name.

“Clarissaa! Please... Help me!” My mother called. The men exited the house and my mother was clinging on to my pillow, begging to survive.                                                                                                                              
“You monster!” I glared at Paulo.                                                                                                                                          

Paulo and my mother had once been married, way before I was born. But he wasn’t my father, thats why they had the devorce. So why did he want to revenge her if he now had nothing to do with her?!?!
Paulo left the room, stupidly leaving his penknife in there. I wouldn’t use it but I would use it to threat.  I ran, I was slow but I ran. Straight to the foyer, I knew a shortcut that I had learned when I was prisioned here when I was six. But, he was there. Waiting for me. I raised the penknife in his direction, and tried to look tough. But he drawed a massive sword, that was attached to the gates.

“You want to challenge me eh? You ready then?” He pounced, I ducked, this continued for a few minutes, it finished when my penknife’s blade caught in Paulo’s top when I was dodging. I thought about staying, to help stop the bleeding, but then I thought of mother. There was no time to waste, a saw two buttons, and pressed both. The gate slowly opened. I could hear Paulo grunting and trying to get up so I ran. This time I was fast.

“Mum...Mum!! Im coming!” I yelled. I  could faintly hear Paulo’s limping footsteps hobble towards me. I had to lose him. Ah ha! The junk yard! I let him gain on me for a millisecond before I took a unexpected left, he kept on running and when I saw him go back and turn left I turned right and jumped over my garden wall. I listened for a minute I could hear Paulo getting cut by a sharp thing, he was left on the ground, screaming for help.
Once I heard that I dashed indoors and upstairs, into my bedroom. There was mum, clutching onto her heart, gasping for air. I was loosing her.                                                                                                                                            
“Oh mum!! I’ll call 999” I soothed. In  less than two minutes the ambulance arrived. We got taken straight to  hospital, the police came and asked me what happened.

“Well, straight from the begging I was at the louge till 10 and I bumped into my friend Zac...” I explained the whole story, not daring to lie to the police.
“We will get in contact with Zac, Paulo seems to be in ward 7c  and as your here I will interview you now.” The policeman interviewed me, asking all sorts of questions like ‘How old are you?’ and ‘At the lounge did you drink achol?’.  It was all rubbish. I said everything trufully and the officer moved onto Paulo’s ward.
 I got back into my hospital and got my ancle stitched up properly by a young, kind nurse. I watched my mother getting tended to.
For the second time I dozed of to sleep. It was gone 1am now. Once again I drempt of Honey. It was too realistic, Honey was in ward 4a, and dying. I stood beside her and weeped, but at the same time mother was dying. I woke to the sound of loud beeping, my pulse rate was waayy to high. In a minute there was six or seven doctors surrounding me. More loud bleeping started, my mother had started going into hysterics at the sight of me in danger. Our ward had about fourteen doctors now.

Everything went black.

It seemed like I had been unconscious for a few days. I was well out. When I awoke I was greeted by doctors looking alarmed, confused and  relived. I looked for my mothers joyful face but she was nowhere to be seen. “Where’s mum..?” I asked, suddenly shocked at the sound of my voice. Their faces said it all, she was gone. Forever. I asked how long I was out for. Two years. I was frozen for a while before I blinked. A tear rolled down my cheek.                                                                                                 

“Mo-mm-ieeee!!!” I wailed. I was almost seventeen – no almost nineteen now! - but I couldn’t help being shocked out of my wits. I had been in a coma that had meant to have lasted five years or so. So it was a surprise when I awoke so I had to go through a series of tests that were both physically and emotionally painfull.
For the first time in ages I thought of Zac. I hated him. He basically lead my mother to her death. Some day I would make revenge. I was sickened by the thought of me ever tricking my bestfriend – no anyone into death. Well near death situations. It didn’t matter anyway.

A year later I was finally released from hospital. Straight away I went to mums grave. I stayed there for a good two hours before a man came up to me and put his shoulder around me.                                                     

“Hello miss. Do you mind?” He said kindly, not wanting me to feel awkward. He was obviously French, French people always hug and give little French kisses. It’s just how they’re taught to act.
“Hiya. No, course not.” I smiled, grateful. I haven’t actually talked to a man since I called Paulo a monster. “My name’s Clarissa.” I added.                                                                                                                      
 “Im Perne. Pern-a” He grinned, noting how to pronounce it, which was lucking because If he hadn’t I would be stuck.                                                                                                                                                                                               
“Pern-a. I could get the hang of saying that! I hope!” I laughed. My luck was changing. The shimmer in his eyes was adorable.                                                                                                                                                                      
“This might seem rushed. Alot rushed but would you mind accompanying me for dinner tonight?” He spoke in his accent, rather bashfully.                                                                                                                                          
 “Why not! Here’s my number, what time?”I blushed, trying to be casual.                                                                       
“Eight-Thirty would be good Clarisseea.” He smiled. I nodded and we parted, yeah, sure it was rushed but he was sure hawt!

 I went straight home and changed, a lot of changes later I was happy with what I was wearing. It took me four make-up removal wipes and two shades of lipstick to look perfect, so I ran downstairs and poured me a quick bowl of cereal. I had lost too much weight in hospital so I would need a lot of food going into me.       

At precisely 8:30 Perne’s car was beeping outside. I grabbed my handbag and dashed for the door. I had decided I was going to tell Perne about my story. So when we sat  down at the restaurant I got started. By the end he was staring at me, big eyed. Suddenly a tear rolled down his cheek and he stood me up and pulled me into a hug. “Oh Clarisseea, I will keep you safe. No matter what. Marry me.”                                                                                                                                                                                             
“Yes Perne. I  know its soon but I love you” I smiled and hugged him back. I could hear awww’s in the background.
“I love you too, my dear Clarisseea.”

So, in the end, I guess my tale ended happily, a fairy tale has been born peeps! Watch out! Im a tiger with a fab hubby and two amazing kids, Baxter and Bliss. They’re angels. Well Bliss is! Wait! What am I saying! My story isn’t finished!

On the wedding day, we decided it to be next to my mums grave, where we met. It was beautiful, roses where all over mums grave, over hundred guests had arrived. Half of them where somewhat related to Perne’s grandmother, I have to admit his family – no, now my family -  is awfully complicated.                                                

I fell pregnant with Bliss and Baxter two years after we where wed, I announced it to him under the Eiffel Tower, that moment is forever engraved in my mind. Everyone was thrilled to the fact I was expecting.

My pregnancy flown by, by the time B+B where 3 they could talk, walk, and they  could even use the potty! They are adorable seven year olds now. They have these amazing dimples that Perne’s great great grandmother had, and beautiful green eyes, from me. Though they have Perne’s blonde hair, which together is beautiful.

So my story really does end here. Im now thirty, woahhh i know right! Old age is only three decades away! Pregnant at 23. Married at 21. Engaged at 20. Life was great. It truly is, just never forget it.
My massive family is only getting bigger. Why? Surprise, Surprise! Im pregnant and baby number three is on its way. One thing left to do. To tell Perne about it! The only question is... Where??
Once apon a time, there was a man named Bob. Bob was named king! Bob died of old age.


          The ball room burst with endless chatter and music, and the dance-floor was swarming with people dancing and frolicking about. Everything was blurry, and the pounding of music drummed through Henry’s ears.
            He danced with his partner, Lily, who was his beautiful fiancĂ©. She laughed and smiled, and her white, even teeth shone brightly in the bright light that filled the large, golden-walled room. Her coppery hair was bundled up, into a tight, elegant bun, with two even strands hanging out from both ears.
            It was seemingly endless; the fast movement of the dancing, the twisting and twirling about on the rich, red carpet below, the uncountable shots of alcohol that Henry drained each time a waiter walked by with a tray of glasses. It was like time had halted, and nothing else in the world mattered, but staring into the depths of Lily’s deep-green eye’s and continuing to sway to the music.
             After what seemed to be a decade of never-ending dancing, Henry excused himself from Lily and thought he heard her faintly mutter, “Go ahead”, but it was too loud in the mammoth-sized room to hear her, and then proceeded to find his way to the bathroom. He looked around the enormous ball room wearily, the night’s events suddenly creeping up on him like an upcoming tsunami.
            When he located the restroom sign from across the ball room, he weaved himself among the withering bodies that flooded the area, and crossed the hallway which led to the restrooms. He nearly fell over himself a couple times, but he caught himself before he did, took a breath, and continued.
            Once he pushed open the public bathroom’s door entrance and went inside, immediately the pungent smell of cigar smoke, cheap perfume, and newly-bought tuxedos melted away.
            The bodiless and silent bathroom startled him at first, but he made his way to the nearest stall, did his business, and then made his way to the sinks. He turned a faucet on, cupped his hands under the waterfall of fluid, and splashed himself in the face with the ice-cold water. He repeated, then took a soft, gold towel right of him and dried himself up. How many drinks did you drink, old Henry? He thought stubbornly to himself, as he stared into the mirror.
            Suddenly, out of nowhere, three clicks rang in what was thought to be a lonesome bathroom, and then three large men in black suits and shades emerged from three different stalls and charged Henry. Defenseless, he put his hand out in an attempt to protect himself, but he was cornered, and the man on the right pressed something into Henry’s neck, and he instantly blacked out.
            Henry gasped, and sat up abruptly on a bed. He was sweating, which was strange, because there were no sheets or covers on him, and the small room he was in was arguably cold.
            “Just a dream…” he said, and breathed out a long sigh of relief as he fell back down on his back and closed his eyes. But something felt wrong.
            His normal pillow back at his modern hotel, in Miami, Florida, was large and soft. But this pillow was harder and less fluffy. Well, he had woken up on less-desirable head-rests before, like the time he had found himself lying on the edge of the top of a skyscraper building, wearing nothing but his underwear and a beer bottle on his chest, but that was due to the killer Bachelor party of his friend’s the day before. Or the time when he woke up with his head at an odd position on the shoulder of a woman he had appeared to have never met before, but he later figured out (when he was much wider awake) that he must have ventured his way into his mom’s room after a stressful night of bad dreams
            But this was much different. No reasonable explanation. Nobody around that he could see, and not the slightest idea of where he could be. As he realized that the usual heavy lumps of his dogs and cats weren’t piled around him, and the fact that this was the wrong pillow; it dawned on him that he probably wasn’t at his hotel suite back at home.
            He thrust his eyes open, and as he had feared, the ceiling was an array of pieces of white wallpaper crumbling down- not the usual flat, healthy orange ceiling back at his bedroom, and he knew he was in a foreign room. He sat up once again, this time taking a good look around at his surroundings.
            The room was small, probably smaller than your average motel room. It also had a Victorian-style look, and was probably designed in the mid 1900’s. There were a few odd paintings, of random pictures and shapes plastered together. The whole room looked dusty, like it hadn’t been used in some time. The only way out was a wooden door that was closed.
            Bewildered, Henry slowly and stiffly stood up, and as soon as he did, he lost his footing and fell flat on the dirty floor. He noticed then that his head swam, and he seemed to be going back and forth, like he was riding a rather kinder-than-normal mechanical bull.
            More cautiously this time, he gripped the bed for support, and stood still while he continued to feel like he was moving.
            “Shouldn’t have drank all those shots…” he muttered to himself. But wait! That actually happened… didn’t it? Or maybe it was just a dream… he wandered absent-mindedly.
            Then, realizing his current position, he staggered over to the door, and touched the handle. It was cold at the touch, and had a thick layer of dust on it, so much that it seemed odd that he could get in there without touching that handle.
            But it was locked. Apprehension and worry started to build inside Henry. He tried twisting the ancient knob some more, but to no victory. Getting desperate, he started to bang loudly on the door, and started shouting for help. “HELLO? IS ANYONE OUT THERE?”
            He waited for a few moments, and when no one answered his desperate cries for help, he took two steps back, and tried to kick the door open, but again: to no avail. He screwed his face into a frown, and passed his hand through his black hair, making it messier than it was originally.
            Henry then looked down at what he was wearing- grey sweats, and a plain black t-shirt. He knew these were not things that he owned, and he marveled at the idea that he could possibly have gotten new clothes, put them on, and locked himself into an old motel room, even if he had just drank a ton of alcohol. There was only one logical explanation: he was kidnapped.
            Just as he was about to lose all hope and wait gloomily on the bed until his capturer came and fed him, an older man’s voice came through the door.
            “Is anyone in here? Are you awake?” he asked hoarsely. Henry jumped up from the bed like a dog would, when smelling food, and ran over to the door.
            “I’m here! I mean- I’m awake!” Henry shouted nervously. He wasn’t a man to cower at danger, but he had no idea what was going on, and what could happen to him. “Who are you? Why am I here?”
            He heard the man begin to walk away, and then he shouted loudly: “Okay, there are six of you in this hallway. You are all locked inside, and in order to get out, you need to find a key. I found my key on the top of the door frame-” he paused, and Henry felt for the key on the door frame. And sure enough, there it was, and as he grabbed it, he heard a chorus of cheerful cries around him, some in woman’s voices, some in men’s. The man then continued with his instructions. “-Good. Now you should be able to-” he again stopped, but this time because he was interrupted by 6 loud rattles as the remaining 6 captives used their keys to open the doors that concealed them.
            As Henry stepped out into the brightly-lit hallway, he still felt like his feet were swaying, and he looked out across the hall.
             As he stood there staring ahead of him astonishment, more and more people began to open and creep out into the hallway. After a few moments, there were 6 other people staring at each other in complete puzzlement and fear. The only one who seemed fine with it all was an African-American woman, probably just a few years younger than Henry, who stood there with more hate and contempt in her eyes than anger. And, of course, and man who had helped them, who was dressed in casual clothes and had short gray hair and a beard, wore a type of leadership-role look.
            Not sure of what to do, Henry and the others sort of stared at the older man of the group, who shrugged to them all like he was just as confused. He decided to turn towards Henry, who stared back into his eyes, almost like they were judging each other of who could be the better leader. Even though the man seemed much older than Henry, Henry knew that he still looked tough, and averted his eyes.
            The man then continued past Henry, and the group began to follow him unhurriedly. Henry got the impression that they all had been drinking too much, because everyone was staggering around like he was.
            After they made their way down the stairs, they entered into a rather glamorous sitting room, fully equipped with bookshelves, elegant sofas, and lamps. Even though the walls were dark wood, which made the room seem colder and darker, it was a much better transition from Henry’s room upstairs.
            They all stared at each other in utter astonishment, and realized that on the far wall, there was a large oak door, and around it, windows that completely obliterated your view to the outside. But the only thing they did tell was that there was light on the other side; definite sunlight.
            Henry surpassed the old man, who was already walking over to the oak door. Henry could feel and stares on his back and the scowl from the older man behind him, but he continued anyway, and as he reached out for the marble handle, he realized for the first time that his engagement ring wasn’t on his hand.
            His mind went back through time, where he was sitting in a comfy chair, is legs propped up on the expensive glass table. He knew where this memory was from- almost 3 years ago, while he and his newly announced fiancĂ©, Lily, were in his apartment. He could smell home-made brownies, and as he looked up, he met eyes with Lily. She was smiling, and had a cooking apron wrapped around her, covered with brown splotches.
            This had to be the truth, right? There was no way that he wasn’t engaged with her anymore… all because his ring was gone, didn’t mean his future marriage. But the thing was, Henry couldn’t even remember what he was doing the night before… or the week before. Was I really at that dance, or was it just a dream? How did I wind up here? Maybe this is just a mistake…
            Nevertheless, he still had full stares on his back, and wanted to know what this door of secrets held behind it. And as he slowly began to open to open the door, a strong wind came hurling in, and a blast of sunshine washed over his face. The rest of the group came over, and as all seven of them came over to the door, with their hands covering their eyes, they stepped out onto a deck.
            And then Henry realized that maybe it wasn’t him swaying- because as his gaze swept across his field of vision, he saw a large ship unfold in front of him, an oil-like ship more so than a cruise ship. And not only was the group standing on the top of a mysterious ship, they were standing in the middle of an ocean.

            10 years ago, there was a girl named Brittany! She wanted to be a princess when she grows up! However, her 2nd grade teacher told her that it is impossible for her to become one in America unless she is able to convince a prince from another country to marry her! She soon thought up an imaginary prince named Prince Alejandro! They soon become friends after the creation!

            Now, Brittany is 18, and no longer believes in Prince Alejandro! She is currently having a stressed out with college! She soon wants to go back to her childhood, and accidently wishes that still believe in Prince Alejandro without realizing there was a shooting star in the sky! She soon went to her dorm, and somehow saw Prince Alejandro! She soon freaks out, and realizes that she accidently wished that she still believes in Prince Alejandro! Soon, Brittany has done a little talking with Prince Alejandro, and she says that they can still hang out just as long as they are alone!
            After a week, Brittany became best friends with Prince Alejandro! Prince Alejandro then told her that imaginary friends are real! However, they can be seen or heard by their “creator”, and once every creator gets to the state where they no longer believe in their imaginary friend, the Imaginary Friends shall be sent to The Imaginary Kingdom where they live the rest of their live there! Soon, Kat, a friend of Brittany, walks in Brittany’s dorm, and overhears the couple talking! Kat, not seeing Prince Alejandro talking, thinks Brittany is a bit insane! She was given glasses from Prince Alejandro that will see all imaginary friends! He then told Brittany and Kat that these glasses are hard to find these days, and he has only one pair left which was for Brittany!

            While Brittany tried on the glasses, two imaginary gnomes named Sark and Rinzler spied on them, and listen to the whole entire conversion! They soon tell their sorcerer master, Granvile, about this! After Granvile hears about this, he soon uses his magic abilities to transport to Brittany’s dorm! Prince Alejandro told Brittany and Kat to run! After a very heated argument between Granvile and Prince Alejandro,  Granvile then left the dorm, and head backs to The Imaginary Kingdom! Prince Alejandro told the two girls that Granvile place a curse all the imaginary friends saying only the creator of the imaginary friend can see them and when the creator no longer wants to play with them, then they will sentenced to The Imaginary Kingdom due to the fact Granvile’s Creator, Gran, no longer wants to play with him! Brittany and Kat then told him they have to defeat Granvile, but Prince Alejandro says that it is no use because he cannot get to the portal to The Imaginary Kingdom!

            Soon, a sorceress comes in through teleportation, and tells the trio she can the trio to The Imaginary Kingdom! They decided to take her offer, and they landed there! However, they end up in a club in The Imaginary Kingdom! The imaginary friends want to torture Brittany and Kat for actually being “real”! However, they began to gain their trust when Brittany and Kat sang a dance song in the club!

            However, Granvile transported himself to the club with Sark and Rinzler! He soon kidnaps Kat, and promises he let her go if Brittany and Prince Alejandro to Granvile’s castle! Soon, everyone in the club including Prince Alejandro and Brittany came to the castle! Along the way, they battled Sark and Rinzler, which was the battle that the gnomes lost!

Soon, Prince Alejandro and Brittany came to Granvile’s lair! There Granvile let Kat go as promise just as long just before Prince Alejandro and Granvile got into another heated argument about whether to trust creators! Soon, Granvile then uses a spell to kill Brittany because he said it will make easier on Prince Alejandro! With Prince Alejandro being angry at Granvile about that, an intense battle took place between Prince Alejandro and Granvile! During that intense battle, Granvile accidently slips out a spell that makes Prince Alejandro “real”! However, because of this, Prince Alejandro is incapable of seeing Granvile, so he was basically doom!

            Then, the same sorceress who made Brittany, Prince Alejandro, and Kat go to The Imaginary Kingdom appeared! She soon gave Prince Alejandro a pair of the glasses that lets people see Imaginary Friends, and introduces as Cornelia, the archenemy of Granvile! Soon, Cornelia uses very powerful magic that makes Granvile loses his magic! Granvile was then arrested due to killing Brittany! However, moments before he was arrested, he told Prince Alejandro to kiss Brittany as he said true love’s kiss can reversed a spell!

            Prince Alejandro then kiss Brittany, making Brittany alive again! They soon got married, and live their rest of their lives as “real people”!

Spare Time vs. Headaches and Stress
     Clutching my head with my free hand, I inhale and continue scribbling down the massive amount of notes that seem to appear magically on the board. The bell rings, signaling my time is up and that I’ll need to borrow someone’s notebook for the evening. My mood worsens at the thought of additional homework as I wave to my old friends down the hall who I rarely see anymore. While opening my tidy locker and glancing at my schedule for the day, my eyes wander longingly, searching for the free period where I can catch up on my work. Oh that’s right, there isn’t one.
Middle school can be overwhelming at times, and when accompanied by the lack of time to relax or take a breather, the school day becomes more stressful and hectic than it needs to be. With a maximum of 3 minutes between periods, socializing and catching up with friends can be a hassle. Although our classes are directly across from one another, time to communicate with our fellow peers is important for children our age too. More often than not, when students are caught speaking during class teachers scold them and instruct them to speak after class. With the short time frame when traveling through the halls, there is no time to talk when class gets out! Lunch, which is only 30 minutes, provides time to hang out with our friends, but not enough to satisfy our talkative souls.
     Compared to other schools, Forest Grove has no study period or even an occasional break for kids and teachers to relax! This period allows students to get ahead on their homework, time consuming class work, or just enjoy a little spare time. Teachers can benefit from this time as well, grading papers or discussing quiz and test schedules with other teachers. A good majority of the kids miss recess from elementary school. If added, this could help reduce the stress factor given off by the hefty supply of work. Most of us have friends who are in other classes that we scarcely get to see anymore, permitting recess could enable us to be reunited. Finally, this could assist the talking during class issue because we’ll most likely burn off energy that would otherwise distract us during the school day.
     Discussing the matter at hand with a group can help formulate a solution to the problem we’re worried about. Another possibility would be writing persuasive letters to those who can help fix the matter. Letters written to the powerful school superintendents or even the principal can be the basis of a large change in our school day schedules. This can provide the necessary assistance we need from our superiors. Staying after school hours to attempt to convince teachers and other faculty members to lend a helping hand with attempting to add an additional study period may also pay off in the long run. If the teachers were on our side, they might influence other adult figures more easily than a group of seventh graders.
     Of course, those aren’t the only choices we have to help create a relaxation time for diligent students. Most likely, I’m not alone on how I feel about this topic, so why not form a group? Multiple students rather than just one individual may appear more powerful and confident about the lack of spare time, perhaps resulting in being noticed more efficiently. Maybe the principal will realize how much we truly care about the matter and pull a few strings to accommodate our needs. As long as we persevere and keep our eyes on the prize, things will hopefully fall right into place. We’ll have to be active participants and not take no for an answer!
     Using these several methods may be the most affective when beginning to solve the problem. Originally, teachers and principals are more inclined to say no due to their already numerous and time-consuming requirements they need to meet. If we’re persistent enough, the superintendents will hopefully begin to take us seriously and realize we honestly care about the missing free time. Perhaps we’ll even coax a few teachers to assist us with our requests along the way! You never know, a teacher could have a close connection with someone with higher authority and favors could be inquired. Some school administrators might even go out of their way and spend their free days persuading their boss and coworkers to pull a few strings for the students of Forest Grove.
     Eventually, if teachers consistently assist us with the issue, they may start to see things through our eyes and agree with us! After some thorough thinking, the school staff might realize that no free time is truly affecting both students and possibly even teachers across the school! Imagine if the administrators develop such strong feelings for the matter that they sacrifice class time to brainstorm ideas of how to incorporate extra time into the school day! Perhaps employees of Forest Grove will finally conclude that the issue can be resolved and help students improve in school academically. An additional period can be beneficial, allowing students to complete required or time consuming work and projects that would otherwise need to be finished at home. Successfully completing these assignments can boost students’ overall grades. If we can persuade enough teachers to support our thoughts, a glimpse of relaxation might not be that far away in the distance as we initially thought.
     Middle school was a big adjustment to begin with, and the amount of work accompanied by no breaks seemed a little extreme, and it still does! Between our five major classes, the work load can be excessively overwhelming. Some teachers often overestimate with how much work students can accomplish in one class period. This unfortunately results in us hastily and carelessly answering questions, as well as becoming unusually stressed! Permitting children to have an extra period to answer their class work thoroughly may help them relax a little. Without this additional “catch up” time, students will most likely be unfocused in other classes, drifting off and thinking about other assignments. Too much work in one class without enough time to complete it can leave kids distracted from important lessons.
     Friendship plays a key role in kids’ lives, and a good portion of students have close friends in other classes that they rarely get to see. Throughout the day we remain with the same group of classmates and never get to see anyone different, hence our old friends. School used to be a great way to hang out with friends, but it’s difficult to stay in contact when we can never talk to each other, even for a few minutes! This matter could easily be resolved by inviting friends over after school or getting together on the weekends. Normally this would work, that is if the issue of excess homework magically disappeared. Of course I understand that homework is necessary, but students shouldn’t be punished with additional homework that they were unable to finish in an unreasonable amount of time. Therefore, incorporating this extra period should assist kids with both their school and social life!
     …as I wave to my old friends down the hall who I rarely see anymore. While opening my tidy locker and glancing at my schedule for the day, my eyes wander longingly, searching for the free period where I can catch up on my work. “Thank you,” I exclaim as I let out a sigh of relief. Study hall was next period and I’d be able to accomplish a good portion of my excess homework. Quickly grabbing my lunch, I sprint down the bustling hallway to join my friends. Relaxation settles in both my mind and body, and I conclude I could never be more grateful for this extra period.

Julie: And, the veto winner is, with a grand total of 2,057 words .... SUN! Congratulations, Sun. Avery, for having the shortest story, you have won a special prize which will be disclosed privately in the DR. See you next time for the veto ceremony.


Will Sun use the POV? And, if so, who will be nominated in his place? Find out on the next Big Brother: Sims 3 Edition!

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